New Orleans Care Package

I left New Orleans 4 weeks ago with 3 pairs of pants, 3 shirts and a laptop to move to Rockdale, Texas to work on a project building the largest high speed data center in the world. I have enjoyed the adventure and the people of Rockdale have made my experience incredible. I did give up a lot of my normal daily life. My wonderful dog, Shadow had to stay behind and then there is a lot of alone time here. My Whinstone Squad sent me care package on my 50th birthday and than meant a lot. Love New Orleans but I Love Rockdale Just As Much.

I made this video as to show everyone back in New Orleans that I truly appreciated the effort they took to make my birthday special. One of the things I have enjoyed so much about relocating from New Orleans to Rockdale is I have a lot of time to make videos. I am not great but like anything, practice improves skills.

I hope you enjoy-

The Texas Chad

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